Time zones

Sunrise, sunset, dawn and dusk times in Finland
Most countries in the world use the Daylight Saving Time (DST) unnecessarily, just like Finland. It doesn’t really give any noticeable benefits, but makes life just a little hard for one day for people with bad memory. Well, okay, sleeping an hour longer once a year is nice. But there is the opposite too.

Time zones, and their conversions, in addition to the DST, make life hard for international people. There are way too many time zones currently around the world.

My idea for the better way of handling the different times of sun shining:
6 timezones around the world with 4h differences between each other, divided as geographically even as possible, following national borders when necessary. Making a day change to night about the same tame as it changes now. DST would be optional, used only where there is good benefit from it, making the sun rise between 07:00 and 09:00 around the year, for example.

Amit’s thoughts about the time zones.

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